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Kind Action
Swimming lessons for babies and toddlers come with an expensive price tag - Ours dont! We work really hard behind the scenes to keep our cost to an absolute minimum that we can! Children should be taught how to swim from an early age to ensure they stay safe in and around the swimming pool. A life skill learned from birth that can last forever!
Dinkies Swim School
Dinkies swim school is baby and toddler swimming lessons around the North East of England.
Our lessons teach not only how to swim but how to stay safe in and around the water.
We try to keep our lessons at the lowest price possible to ensure more people get in to swimming as it has so many health benefits not only for children but for the parent attending too.
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Where To Find?
We have our own venue - the Dinkie Den where we hold lessons but we also hire out to families - especially those with autism as it means they get the whole pool to themselves. The Dinkie Den, Rose Street, Trimdon Grange, TS296EH. For the Dinkie Den Kind Currency members can have £5 off any private hire booking too.
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