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Kind Action

We recently launched the UK’s first eco activity and subscription boxes for children – our Tool Kit For Eco Heroes. Each themed Tool Kit is packed with hours of sustainable fun activities to help children take action and save our environment. We help them learn about their favourite animals as well as some of the biggest issues facing our planet.

Our Tool Kits are 100% sustainable and plastic free and many of the tasks use materials already found in the home or even in the recycling box.

As a social enterprise, we are proud to distribute our kits to children who may not receive any eco education.

It's Our Planet Too

It’s Our Planet Too is a children’s eco brand and a social enterprise. We’re on a mission to ignite a passion to protect our planet through play, encouraging small actions that make a big difference. By bringing the environment into our playtimes, we teach our children the value of their planet and equip them to become little eco heroes, who are empowered to protect our incredible world.

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