Spiritual Flamingo
What is Spiritual Flamingo..... ?
Spiritual Flamingo is a holistic business.
I am Amanda, I am the owner and founder of Spiritual Flamingo.
Most of my life I have followed a holistic and spiritual life. However, in 2020 my life changed forever and I became Epileptic, with no warning and no idea why.
When I eventually received my diagnosis I knew I had to be more mindful, more positive and relax more. I started to receive reiki and meditated more then I ever had before. Then I realised it was beginning to work and I was starting to feel more like myself again. This positive and mindful approach had a massive impact on me, my life and my mindset for the future.
I then noticed that I was smiling in the mirror again (the reason for the picture shared - a big grin) and I had my new approach to life to thank for that.
I then decided I wanted to see if I could help others smile like me by sharing my lifestyle changes and offering spiritual coaching. I then trained and gained my reiki qualification. I have now gained more qualifications.
I have now been in business for over 2 years now, have helped so many clients on their spiritual journey and I am so grateful that I can offer this service as when I needed it the most it worked for me.
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